Plastic Free Christmas Tree


As we approach the end of another busy season of extraordinary events in places you might not expect we’re exploring creative ways to recycle the seasonal Beaford Newspapers…

…and as our Education Leader is none other than world renowned Origami Artist Caroline Preston we want to encourage you to get creative and help us to make a Plastic Free Christmas Tree.

Our friends at Boston Tea Party, Barnstaple are going to display the tree and they will also have some newspapers and instructions in the café in case you fancy popping in and making some branches with a coffee (and cake too, obviously!)…

A PDF with instructions can be downloaded here just drop your branches into BTP and we’ll do the rest!

Link to make the modules

Link to make the cone that the modules stick to

Link to make the stand for the cone

Please note

·         These are not our videos but we’re just sharing these youtube instructions if more tuition is needed than the photographs we’ve provided (though the scale we are using is different)

·         The cone instructions are there to give you an idea of what holds it together if making your own

·         HOWEVER…we are using plastic free biodegradable glue to stick the donated modules together on the tree not a hot glue gun!

·         We are recycling our old newspapers – see photos on our PDF of instructions

For more information on how you can help combat plastic pollution follow this link… Plastic Free North Devon

Phoebe Mallows