A record of life during lockdown
James Ravilious’s Archive is a much-loved record of everyday life in northern Devon, containing over 80,000 of his photographs taken at the end of the last century. In the current lockdown, however, even James could not have recorded the full impact of coronavirus. The only way we’ll do that is together.
Can you help us to create this important new chapter of the Beaford Archive? We’d like to collect lots of present-day local photographs, all responding to the question:
“What are you experiencing right now?”
Everyone’s setting will be different. You may be at home with children, or with your parents, or caring for someone. You may be a key worker, or helping the neighbourhood, or working the land. All our lives are changing in ways great and small, and whatever you’re experiencing is worth saving and sharing with future generations.
This isn’t a competition; it’s a collection. We’ll exhibit as many photos as we can in curated galleries on these pages. And all the photos we receive will be saved forever in the Beaford Archive. Together, we'll create a record of our communities in the time of coronavirus: North Devon Here and Now.
How to take part
Take some photos showing everyday life right now in North Devon
Have a look at how James chose his best photographs for the Archive
Choose your best
Attach it to an email at maximum resolution, with information about the photo and the copy and pasted permissions (required details listed below) to photos@beaford.org
We know it’s stating the obvious, but we can’t accept photos taken in breach of government guidelines.
Information about your photo
In your email, please send us some details using James Ravilious’s preferred catalogue headings:
Title (up to ten words, and factual), e.g. “Man tending vegetable garden with his children”
Locality (nothing too detailed), e.g. “Roundswell, Barnstaple”
Date e.g. 31/3/2020
Photographer (so we know who to credit)
Summary (up to 30 words, and descriptive), e.g. “A man in his thirties prepares last year’s flower bed to grow vegetables. He is usually a self-employed building contractor. His energetic children have just started school Easter holidays.”
Names of those featured in the photo (optional, if you’d like to have them included - we won’t publish them online)
Permission to use your photo
We’ll need to show that we have your permission to keep your photo. If you feel able to agree to the following conditions, please copy and paste them into your email:
By submitting this photograph I confirm the following and have read and agree to the terms and conditions provided on the beaford.org website:
1) The photographer consents to the image joining ‘North Devon Here and Now’, part of the Beaford Archive.
2) Taking the photograph didn’t breach Government guidelines.
3) People in the photograph have given consent to be included in this submission. Where a minor is involved, a parent/carer/guardian has given consent on their behalf, knowing that the photo will join the Beaford Archive and be kept as a record of North Devon for future generations.
4) The subject matter is a true reflection of the location, and the photographer believed permission to be granted/acceptable in the circumstances.
Children playing on the swings. Photograph by James Ravilious © Beaford Arts
The start date for this collection is Tuesday 17th March, after the government announced that people should work from home. The restrictions grew from there, so please send us your photos showing life as that happened.
The collection will end when this is all over. It will culminate in all of our photos of celebrations, lock-ins, street parties, and carnivals - the things northern Devon does so well. We’re looking forward to it.
Documentary Photograph by James Ravilious for the Beaford Archive© Beaford Arts